Electric Vehicles Mean Good American Jobs!

Over $200 billion dollars have been invested in the last few years to create over 200,000 EV related jobs in America; these are good jobs in manufacturing, infrastructure and technology.

We cannot let silly partisan politics threaten those jobs and the jobs of the future.  Supporting EV jobs is good for both parties!  Key swing states like Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina already have more than 90,000 jobs related to American EV manufacturing; that’s twice the numbers of voters who decided the Presidential race in those states in 2020!

EV Manufacturing Locations

EV-Related facilities with over $1B in investment and/or 3,000 jobs

At the American EV Jobs Alliance, we are working to build bi-partisan support for EV related manufacturing jobs right here in North America; both for American workers and for our close allies.

We are getting the word out on EV related jobs in 2024’s most important swing states:

And when the big oil companies spend tens of millions bashing American-made EVs with a dishonest ad campaign… we push back with the FACTS: Get this on the air:

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EV Politics

Learn More at EV Politics Project

We are a 501c4 non-profit advocacy organization. We do not support specific candidates or do electioneering. We are financially supported by individuals, companies and trade associations that support American EV jobs, cleaner air and the strong manufacturing base America needs to support our military and protect our National Security. Learn more about us.

Experts agree that EVs will be a huge part of the future of global transportation.  American workers should place a huge part in that, as they have since the invention of the automobile.  Help us support American workers!